Naturalist Skills Classes
Each of our Naturalist Skills classes focuses on learning how to observe and be curious about what we see in nature and then record our experiences in our nature journals. Classes average one hour and are adapted to the appropriate age level and experience level of your participants. Workshops are offered in-person or via Zoom. This list is a sample of the workshops Northern Rockies Nature Journaling offers. Contact us if you have specific requests for workshops.
Using magnification
Bird Identification
Forest bathing
What animal passed by here? Where did this animal go? We can tell a good deal about our animal neighbors based on the signs they leave behind as we learn that our assumptions about animal behavior might have multiple explanations. This is a great method to journal wildlife we might not actually see. In this class we study tracks, how they are shaped, who they belong to, and how to identify animals from their footprints.
Maps provide us with the “big picture” and a sense of place. Instead of using maps for navigational purposes we will create simple maps to document our location and what we observe. Including maps in our journals adds depth and interest to our entries while helping us think in a different dimension. Learn to create different types of maps for your journal.
Often we miss fascinating details about natural subjects without magnification. Learn to use magnifying lenses, binoculars, spotting scopes and loupes to look at details, get accurate information and to see things not apparent to the naked eye. Learn how to journal small things using insets and balloons as we study things through the looking glass.
There are birds all around us, even in the city. Can you identify them? What does their call sound like? Can you find where they live? What are they eating? This class teaches us to spot the birds around us, to observe and listen to them, and to learn about their behaviors. We will concentrate on journaling birds in your locale.
Our certified Forest Bathing Instructor can provide your group with an unforgettable experience! In a forest setting, we practice stillness and awareness as we observe and explore the wonder of the natural world around us. Class size is limited to 15 people. There is an extra fee for this class.
If you are interested in learning more or in registering for a class for your group or organization, please complete this form.