• go outside

  • observe - look all around you, notice what’s happening

  • ask yourself questions, reflect on what you are seeing

  • find something that interests you

  • get comfortable

  • journal about the thing that interests you:

1) metadata: date, time, location, weather conditions, and/or anything else you want to note such as elevation, sunrise/sunset, tides

2) nature data: write about it (notes, a poem, cartoon bubbles, etc…), count the numbers of things around you and sketch what you see (as simply or as complex as you wish)

There is no right or wrong way to nature journal.

Take as much time as you like; even 15-20 minutes is a good start

That’s it!

What is nature journaling and how do I get started?

Nature journaling is using pictures, words and numbers to record your observations, questions, connections and explanations of the natural world in a journal. No special skills needed! You just need curiosity, a bit of creativity, and a willingness to playfully learn about nature.